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Shri Avataran Moun Sadhana Satya Brata

(The Incarnate Silent Spiritual Practice)


For world unity, perform MOUN SADHANA for 15 Minutes Every day at a FIXED Time From 6.50 hrs to 7.05 hrs In the evening


Introduction || Time - A Spiritual View || Active Moun Sadhana || Silence || About Maharaj || Miscellaneous


 Truth Perception

  Introduction > More About Moun Sadhana
Moun Sadhana - Philosophy
Aim of Moun Sadhana
Moun Sadhana - Various Forms
More About Moun Sadhana



More About Moun Sadhana
1- Moun Sadhana is meant for and is acceptable by everybody in the world.
2- As the God-offered things like air, water and sun etc. are freely available to everyone without any distinction, so is Moun Sadhana and is freely available to everyone.
3- Moun Sadhana is not any religion or a sect. It is a self educating and self mending process--a sanskar (ritual)--a sacrament which explains and directs at a fixed time based some definite physical and mental disciplines including Yoga, Pranayam and Dhyan (concentration) etc. which further leads to a sound physical and mental health. ( See--Active Moun Sadhana )
4- It is like a mirror for everyone to see and ponder over one's own deeds, activities and thoughts and then to improve. Every day's self-good thinking ( retrospection and analysis of one's own deeds ) imposes an effective check on evils and promotes virtues.
5- Moun Sadhana is totally transparent. Nothing is hidden or confidential here.
6- Nothing is to be paid for anything or to anyone in Moun Sadhana.
7-  Moun Sadhana presents no binding, no restriction, no limitation but one alone--' fixed time from 6.50 p.m. to 7.05 p.m., everyday, in total silence and strict discipline.
8- Formation of an ideal and harmonious living, free from dissonance is possible by Moun Sadhana. In order to save the creation from destruction, Moun Sadhana can act as a firm base .
9- Moun Sadhana presents a very easy and simple method and is a perfect practical form of the gist of all the religions.  ( See--Active Moun Sadhana )
10- Moun Sadhana by its co-operation, wants every religion get to its perfection. It is capable to bridge and synchronize all the faiths by mediation of a common fixed time .

Perform Moun Sadhana to enhance self confidence, strength and work-prime conscious-ness and achieve entire successes in life.



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