A Means of Perception of the True
Self, Spirit and the
Supreme Spirit and as also of getting 'God's True Love'.
'A resolution in oneself---trust in the
resolution---look of truth in the trust', is itself
perception of the Truth-particle, the Self. After having
attained this position, the aspirator's footstep towards
the Supreme Soul becomes unavoidable. The name of this
action alone is Spirituality and that its beginning is
Self-perception, the Truth-particle's perception.
The day, you succeed to get trust in yourself on
performing Moun Sadhana unobstructed for ever, you are
blessed with the fortune to have gotten perception of
the Truth-particle of the Supreme Soul that lies in you;
this is undoubtedly your miraculous success which as
well brings God's true love to you.
As in a dead body, even the best in best medicine
cannot give light to the eyes, hearing power to ears,
smelling power to the nose, likewise your scientific
inventions and your entire social, political and
religious actions devoid of God's true love, are
worthless. Could you attain God's true love only, all
those inventions and planning can become boon in place
of curse.
Donate 15 minutes and devote to it
and God will wait for you at this time & accompany you.
(See--'TIME-- A Spiritual View' and 'Active Moun Sadhana'.)